Board Meetings
Columbine Lake Water District Board meetings are held the 3rd Monday of every month at 3:00pm at the Three Lakes Water and Sanitation District Administration Building at 1111 County Road 48/Golf Course Road unless otherwise posted. Virtual access is also available via the link on the agenda.
1) Turn off all cell phones. |
2) Talk one at a time. Upon being recognized by the Chairperson, state your name and address for the record. |
3) When addressed, one representative from each property will have a maximum of five minutes to address the Board. |
4) Repetitious or irrelevant comments are strongly discouraged. |
5) No side conversations will be tolerated. |
6) Respect other speakers and do not interrupt them. |
7) At close of Public Comment, no further comments from the public shall be received except as to questions from the Board. |